Saturday, January 5, 2013


Any material contained here after is not
to be taken seriously on the grounds that
it was written when all of the mortal and/or normal
world should be and probably is asleep and the
author may and probably does have a distorted
interpretation and/ or perception of reality and
of the facts contained , so the material proceeding
this disclaimer does not necessarily represent the
authors views of reality, pyrite, family values, and
whatever other information he doesn't remember
he put in this report at the time of writing but still
did whether or not he believes it to be true and/ or
interesting ,which it probably isn't, weather you like it or not...

Pyrite, also known as Fools Gold is the most
common of the sulfide minerals. Pyrite is called
Fool's Gold because of it's pale brass yellow color
and glistening metallic luster, but it may be told from
gold by it's cubic, dodecahedral, and octahedral
crystals and fine grain masses. Some interesting facts
about pyrite are that it has a greenish black streak, a
rating of 6.0 to 6.5 on the mohs scale, a specific
gravity of 5.00 to 5.02 , it creates a weak electric
current when heated and in some of it's various form's
it has been used in early fire arms and fire starting
kits. It's biggest commercial use is in making sulfuric
acid but it is also important in nature for forming ore
and mineral deposits. Any questions?

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